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340B In The News
March 30, 2018
“Drug discount program needs bipartisan fixes [Opinion]”
Roughly 25 years ago, Congress created a program, the 340B Drug Discount Program, to help safety-net clinics and community health centers improve the health of needy communities throughout the country. Unfortunately, some bad actors are taking advantage of the program for their own benefit while communities, including some here in Texas, are suffering.
340B In The News
March 22, 2018
“Reforming Medicaid’s drug discount program would be a real congressional achievement”
The Senate HELP Committee hearing last week examining the 340B drug discount program, another example of a well-intentioned government scheme gone awry, shows that Washington is finally getting serious about passing much-needed modernization and reform.
340B In The News
March 21, 2018
“Fix 340B drug discount program if we want to improve care for those who need it most”
The Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions held a hearing called the “Perspectives on the 340B Drug Pricing Program.” This hearing featured testimony from policy and industry experts who offered perspectives on what modifications are needed to fix the 340B program so that it achieves Congress’ intended goals and benefits the patients who need it most.
340B In The News
March 1, 2018
AIR340B Coalition Commends Senator Grassley’s 340B Legislation
WASHINGTON - The AIR340B Coalition released the following statement in response to Senator
Chuck Grassley’s (R-IA) 340B legislation, Ensuring the Value of the 340B Program Act.
340B In The News
February 2, 2018
IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: Hospital System Calls for Fixes to 340B Drug Discount Program
While some have vehemently opposed any fixes to the 340B drug discount program, some health systems are now calling for changes that would increase accountability within the program and get 340B back to caring for the vulnerable communities it was intended to serve.
340B In The News
January 27, 2018
“Rep. Bucshon on the Right Track with PAUSE Act”
Rep. Bucshon on the Right Track with PAUSE Act