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340B In The News

GAO Raises Additional Concerns With 340B Contract Pharmacies and Hospitals

The 340B drug discount program — a vital safety-net program created to help millions of vulnerable or uninsured patients receive care — is no longer benefiting many of the patients it was meant to serve. That’s according to mounting findings from congressional investigations, independent economists, and government watchdogs. Two new studies released by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) add to these growing concerns, looking specifically at contract pharmacies and hospitals in the 340B program. GAO’s latest conclusions provide further evidence more must be done to fix the 340B program and bring it back to the original intent of helping patients.

September 24, 2018
340B In The News

AIR340B Encouraged by 340B Principles Announced by AHA, Looks to Regulatory and Congressional Action to Keep Momentum Going

The AIR340B Coalition issued the following statement in response to the new principles for good stewardship of the 340B program announced by the American Hospital Association (AHA) today.
September 18, 2018
340B In The News

“A Little-Known Windfall for Some Hospitals, Now Facing Big Cuts”

A program meant to help the poor has grown beyond its original intent.
August 29, 2018
340B In The News

“Bucshon leading way on Pause Act”

Bucshon leading way on Pause Act
July 31, 2018
340B In The News

“PAUSE Act a responsible approach toward reforming the 340B drug pricing program”

With 340B being back in the news and with beneficial legislation in the works, I wanted to take the opportunity to reshare my thoughts.
July 23, 2018
340B In The News

“Save The Safety Net Drug Program For Patients Who Need Help”

A poster on the side of a bus stop in downtown Washington D.C. read: “Let 340B,” clearly a sign of an organized campaign asking Congress not to interfere with the gravy train for some hospital systems that this obscure provision has become.

July 19, 2018
340B In The News

“Our Exclusive Analysis: Nearly One in Three U.S. Pharmacies Is a 340B Contract Pharmacy; Five Chains Dominate”

Pharmacies continue to profit from the 340B Drug Pricing Program’s explosive growth.
July 12, 2018
340B In The News

“Commentary: Drug discount program aiding profits not patients”

Reforms are needed to a 1992 law intended to keep medication costs low for low-income patients.
June 12, 2018
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